Getting to Your Nailed It Retreat Pricing with Our Magical Retreat Pricing Worksheet

As a retreat leader, you know that the success of your event hinges not just on the experience you create, but also on how well you navigate the intricate process of pricing your retreat in order to come away with a profit that pays for your time and your time away from other ventures.

At Con Smania CR, where the lush jungle meets the serene ocean, we understand the complexities and nuances of setting the right price. Here, Con Smania CR’s Creator of Magic, Jill Sessa, will guide you through the key factors to consider, ensuring your retreat is not only transformative for your attendees but also profitable and sustainable for you. Learn how to strike the perfect balance, creating an unforgettable and financially rewarding ‘nailed it’ retreat experience at Con Smania CR.

Each video below has a transcript, just click the button on the bottom bar of the video to reveal it. You’ll find yourself returning to this post again and again as you work through all of the details that it takes to profitably price your retreat.

Let’s get into it with this detailed review of each line and column that will build your Nailed It pricing! If you do not yet have your own copy of the Con Smania CR Magical Pricing Sheet, please complete our Retreat Booking Inquiry Form to tell us about your retreat ideas and we will send you a copy.

Offering a discounted price to those who sign up for your retreat right away is a great incentive…. but don’t lose out on money to do so! Here’s the trick to getting that Nailed It pricing using the Quick Action Calculator.

Let’s work through the Tiered Pricing Calculator and find the Hidden Way to additional profit through upgrades.

Need help with the numbers? Remember, don’t get overwhelmed, this is where we shine. Complete our Retreat Booking Inquiry and schedule a session with Jill to review. Already had a call? Refer to the Intro for Leaders folder that was shared with you for the link to schedule a followup call.

Looking to Host Your Next Retreat In Costa Rica?

The mission at Con Smania CR is to support heart-centered retreat leaders in focusing on their own mission. Leave the rest of the organization and logistics details to us!

About Con Smania CR

Located between Nosara and Samara in Costa Rica's Blue Zone, the Nicoya Peninsula, in the quiet community of Playa Buena Vista, Esterones.

Find us on Google Maps


Please reach out to us on WhatsApp: +1 (218) 560-1431


Con Smania Costa Rica

Con Smania CR is a project of Con Smania Collective.